Emergency Preparedness Part 3: Response Plans

By Chuck McDonald
In November 4, 2015

The What and How of Response

first-aid-kit-1416695-1280x960Response plans are the next phase that operate hand-in-hand with the emergency plan. While the emergency plan establishes where and what the concerns are, the response plan develops the what and how of response. At the very least, every facility should develop and implement a response plan for protecting employees, visitors, contractors and anyone else in the facility.

Creating Your Plan

Following the development of your evaluation (audit – discussed in Chapter 2), we will assist in the creation of your response plan. This plan will be the baseline for the implementation phase of emergency preparedness throughout your organization. Your response plan will address the most important asset of your enterprise – the life and safety of your employees. With an effective response plan in place, you can be confident in addressing safety.

The second priority is to stabilize the situation and facility. First aid and CPR by trained employees can save lives.  The 360 Safety Solutions team has this training and can support your organization in providing this experience and skill set.

Practice Makes Perfect

Even with proper plans, equipment, and trained staff in place, practice remains a vital part of the implementation phase. Without enough practice, it will be difficult to respond appropriately at the most critical moment – the onset of an emergency. During the onset of an emergency, it is critical to perform ‘Action Steps’quickly and appropriately. Our team of experts provides training in these areas by simulating real-world scenarios, ensuring that you and your staff respond quickly, effectively, and safely whenever an emergency situation presents itself.

We can help you develop a response plan and provide safety training for your company, quickly, efficiently and cost effectively. Give us a call (360.334.1577).  360 Safety Solutions – helping you work safely and succeed!  For more information on Emergency and Disaster Preparedness, please remember to keep an eye on our blog.

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